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My Latest Work

I just finished a sleeping Berenguer doll. She's a big ole'girl.I really like to grab a tutorial and work through an artists theories and techniques.It's fun and great training. This particular doll is made by using the techniques from "How to reborn a Doll in a Day" by Angela Hoy. Now I realize that just the name will make some reborn artists cringe, especially ones that take weeks to complete a doll. But I have to admitt, that this technique, though not as thorough as some, is sufficient. It is a great repaint technique and she throws in some pretty fancy footwork for her shortcuts.

This baby girl is named Malli. She is weighted, has a new cloth body that I did a little needle sculpting on. She is wigged and manicured. I am not crazy about the wig, but for the purposes of practice it will do.
